Protected action page 29 of 29

289 articles are classified in All Articles > Industrial action/disputes > Protected action

Tugboat action threatens iron ore exports

Tugboat workers in Port Hedland, the outlet for much of Australia's iron ore exports, have endorsed legally protected industrial action in pursuit of improved pay and conditions in a new agreement.

Union's notice "device" renders industrial action unprotected: FWC

The FWC has ordered the TWU to postpone member-endorsed industrial action against Linfox Armaguard because the vagueness of the notices to the company would have required it to respond with "extreme measures" such as organising flying squads to replace workers.

TWU forced to give five days' notice of ATM bans

Cash-in-transit company Linfox Armaguard has failed to stymie a TWU official's authority to sign a protected action application, but has won additional notice of bans on servicing ATMs.

Gifts to non-strikers not adverse action, court rules

The Federal Court has ruled that two related door manufacturers who provided gift vouchers to non-striking workers did not take adverse action against workers who took protected industrial action in support of a new agreement.

MUA to start offshore industrial action this week

The MUA and AMMA are accusing each other of shifting the goalposts in the drawn-out bargaining round for vessel operators in the offshore oil and gas industry, with the union to begin a 48-hour stoppage at pacesetting Tidewater Marine on Friday.

Court rules FWC can extend industrial action after 30-day expiry

In a split decision, a Federal Court full court has held that the Fair Work Commission can grant an extension to the 30-day time limit for taking protected industrial action even where the application is made after that period has expired.