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289 articles are classified in All Articles > Industrial action/disputes > Protected action

Qube-MUA dispute nears resolution

MUA members have today endorsed an in-principle agreement at Qube's Melbourne car terminal which was hit by a series of protected strikes in recent weeks.

Esso seeks to halt Bass Strait workplace determination

Esso Australia is seeking to prevent the Fair Work Commission from making a workplace determination for its Bass Strait oil and gas operations, arguing its legal basis has been "fatally undermined" by a recent High Court ruling.

End to pulp friction after eight-week strike

The AMWU has agreed to end an eight-week strike at a Melbourne envelope plant after the employer, Australian Paper, gave ground on two of three demands.

FWC makes recommendation to bring peace to Griffin Coal

The AMWU has welcomed an FWC recommendation to end the long-running maintenance dispute at Griffin Coal and put a proposed agreement to the workforce, calling the package a "common sense middle ground" and a "sensible solution".

Stoppage hampering pre-Xmas shipping

Users have warned that protected industrial action involving pilot vessels in Sydney's seaports is causing "mayhem " in the busy lead-up to Christmas.

Qube bid for damages from MUA in court next year

Qube Logistics, Patrick Stevedores and the MUA have proposed a timetable for mediation early next year ahead of hearings in August into the companies' bid to recoup damages from bans on loading and unloading containers at Port Botany this year.

Unprecedented strike to hit Federal courts today

The Federal court system faces an unprecedented half-day strike by support staff this afternoon over stalled pay negotiations which have left them without a rise for four years.

Glencore extends lockout beyond 100 days

Mining giant Glencore has extended a 100-day lockout at the Oaky North coal mine amid complaints over abusive behaviour on the picket line.