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289 articles are classified in All Articles > Industrial action/disputes > Protected action

MUA planning May Day strike at robodock

MUA members are set to resume protected industrial action at the Port of Melbourne's "robo-terminal" ahead of the Victorian Supreme Court hearing a massive damages claim against the union over a picket in late 2017.

Unions to pour resources into McCormick campaign: ACTU

ACTU secretary Sally McManus says unions will throw their full support behind an indefinite strike at a Melbourne food plant, where workers received their last pay increase five years ago.

Detailed robo-clause in new DP World deals

DP World will notify the MUA of automation plans nine months before implementation and pay an additional 15 weeks severance for related redundancies, under new agreements that crossed their final hurdle last week when Melbourne dock workers voted in favour.

Order halts protected action at robo-terminal

Highly-automated stevedore Victoria International Container Terminal won an interim anti-industrial-action order late last week that halted an escalating MUA campaign that included a 36-hour protected strike due to begin on Sunday morning.

36-hour strike looming for robo-dock

The operator of the Port of Melbourne's "robo-terminal" says an MUA offer to exempt medical supplies and fresh produce from escalating protected industrial action is unworkable.

Indefinite lockout for Coles warehouse workers

Coles has indefinitely locked out about 350 warehouse workers in Sydney's south-west in a continuing dispute with broader ramifications for future struggles over automation-driven warehouse consolidation and closures.

First protected strike next week at robo-dock

The MUA has given notice of a four-hour protected stoppage next week at the Port of Melbourne's "robo-terminal", amid an escalating struggle over work arrangements.

MUA members back protected action at robo-dock

MUA members have overwhelmingly endorsed protected industrial action at the Port of Melbourne's "robo-terminal", as the union seeks to drag the automated stevedore towards more traditional industry working arrangements.

Wharfies should have heeded health chief's COVID advice: FWC

The FWC has found the MUA should have followed the NSW chief medical officer's advice to return to the docks after OHS representatives issued a "cease work" order in response to wharfies contracting COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic.