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289 articles are classified in All Articles > Industrial action/disputes > Protected action

Toll, UWU reach deal after company seeks bargaining orders

The UWU says it has reached an in-principle deal with the Toll group on new three-year agreements for seven warehouses that provide 3% annual pay rises and a minimum starter rate of $25 an hour.

Patrick bargaining resumes after FWC brokers truce

Major stevedore Patrick has withdrawn its application to terminate industrial action at its container terminals after the MUA agreed that no further action would be notified before December 10.

Patrick looks to guillotine wharf strikes

Patrick Terminals has on the basis of a claimed threat to the national economy applied to terminate industrial action by MUA members at its four container terminals, increasing pressure on the union to reach a new enterprise agreement.

Patrick bid to quash deal "amounts to bullying": MUA

The MUA has accused Patrick of "bullying" after the stevedore yesterday applied to the FWC to terminate its nominally-expired union deal to break a 20-month bargaining deadlock amid a round of strikes at its container terminals in four states.

Truckies' strike still on cards as TWU chases full deck

The TWU says it has reached in-principle agreements with four more big trucking and logistics companies as it continues campaigning against "Amazon-driven" outsourcing, while warning three remaining targets they face strikes this week.

FWC indicates no automatic extra notice for "essential services"

Employers seeking longer notice periods for protected industrial action due to exceptional circumstances might have to provide stronger evidence, after the FWC refused Essential Energy's bid to extend the warning given by the CEPU from three to five days.