Modernisation/reviews page 24 of 29

288 articles are classified in All Articles > Awards > Modernisation/reviews

Weekend penalty rates decision imminent: ACCI

The Fair Work Commission's much-anticipated ruling on weekend penalty rates is likely to be brought down in September, according to Australia's biggest employer group.

FWC sets plain language redraft schedule

The FWC is inviting comment on consultation schedules for the plain English redrafting of specific clauses in the pharmacy industry award, standard and common clauses in all awards, and the redrafting of the clerks, hospitality, restaurant and retail awards.

FWC seeking to give "plain language" treatment to more awards

The FWC has released a report on its plain English transformation of the pharmacy award and issued guidelines for plain English drafting, before it gives similar treatment to the clerks, retail, hospitality and restaurant awards.

New stage for FWC's interest-based dispute resolutions; & more

FWC's interest-based dispute resolution approach reaches new stage; Shorten Government would intervene in penalties case; Visa cases now the lion's share of FWO prosecutions; Budget Estimates hearings brought forward; Labor bid to disallow regulation postponed to Wednesday; and Slaters wins new finance deal.

FWC accepts PC report as submission not evidence; & more

FWC accepts PC report as submission rather than evidence; Heerey report due at end of month; Patrick talks continuing; Productivity portfolio dropped in Turnbull's reshuffle; and MUA tells members not to respond to FWO overtures.