Modernisation/reviews page 23 of 29

289 articles are classified in All Articles > Awards > Modernisation/reviews

Judge calls for better drafting of agreements

A senior member of the Federal Court's IR panel has warned that litigation is inevitable if those who draft enterprise agreements use euphemisms to conceal the parties' differences on terms.

Lawler takes Cash to Federal Court; and more

Lawler takes on Cash; Perpetrators not entitled to domestic violence leave, says ACTU; PC floats new approach to allocating default super funds; and FWC president refuses to re-open crucial labour hire ruling.

Employers rail against "double dipping" as casual conversion case winds up

The Ai Group is warning that counting prior service when calculating benefits for regular casuals who become permanent will result in "double dipping" and has highlighted this week's FWC ruling that an employer must include past service in redundancy payouts, in its final submission to the casual conversion case.