Modernisation/reviews page 22 of 29

289 articles are classified in All Articles > Awards > Modernisation/reviews

Cash rallying employers to take up defence of penalty rate cuts

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash is trying to drum up public support from business and employer groups for the Fair Work Commission's landmark decision to cut Sunday penalty rates for some retail and hospitality workers.

FWC cuts Sunday, public holiday penalties

The FWC has reduced Sunday penalty rates in the hospitality, retail, fast food and pharmacy sectors and pared-back public holiday penalties in five awards, in a landmark ruling today by a five-member full bench.

Labor responds to prospect of penalty rate cut

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has flagged that Labor will seek to protect workers' take-home pay if the Fair Work Commission decides to reduce weekend penalty rates in its award review ruling.

Push for national paid domestic violence leave stalls at COAG

The Turnbull Government has been lambasted by the ACTU and state premiers after rejecting the push at today's COAG meeting for all modern awards to include paid domestic violence leave, Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk decrying it as a "missed opportunity".

Annual leave anomalies on hitlist in FWC's awards review

The Fair Work Commission is proposing to remove "unusual" annual leave and annual leave loading entitlements together with penalties for late payment of wages transferred electronically as part of its four-yearly review into modern awards.