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Allied unions butt heads over Woolies' bid to vary award

The TWU will oppose an application by Woolworths to overhaul the coverage of workers at the supermarket's online fulfilment centres, in a move that puts it at odds with fellow supply chain alliance member the SDA.

Woolies' bid to vary award puts unions on collision course

Two of Australia's biggest unions are at loggerheads over a push by Woolworths to change the coverage of workers at the supermarket's online fulfilment centres, a move the UWU believes is partly motivated by the retailer's concerns about multi-employer bargaining.

Landmark pay ruling for workers with a disability

Employers say the remuneration bill for workers with a disability covered by the Supported Employment Services Award might increase by up to 50% following variations that the FWC says will give them a "truly comprehensive range of fair minimum wages" for the first time.

Bench closes award's litigation and overtime loopholes

The FWC has moved to correct two perceived wrinkles in the award covering salaried IT professionals, engineers, scientists and gaming sector employees that have led to some being paid as little as $22 per hour and "excessive litigation" over its disputed coverage of unfair dismissal applicants.

Tribunal member senses trouble with new shutdown clause

A FWC member has expressed concern that a new model award clause preventing employers from directing workers to take unpaid leave during shutdowns will lead to more disputes over rejected annual leave requests.

Super Retail in the gun for subsidiaries' underpayments

In what it claims is its first litigation seeking to have a holding company found responsible for its subsidiaries' breaches, the FWO has initiated court action against ASX-listed Super Retail Group for self-reported underpayments of more than $1 million that led to an internal audit and backpayments exceeding $50 million that the watchdog says remain short of the mark.

Government, aged care unions at odds over interim rise

The Albanese Government says it is not feasible to fund the FWC's interim increase for aged care workers before July next year and wants to hold back a third of the 15% boost until mid-2024, but an "incredulous" HSU says the sector expects the increase to apply immediately on approval.

Work value case bolstered by Act's new objectives: Unions

The HSU and the ANMF say the Fair Work Act's new secure work and gender equality objectives will bolster and simplify their work value case on behalf of aged care workers, proposing that Federal Government submissions should address the changes.

Director slugged $25K for falsifying pay records

A court has fined the director of a Japanese restaurant almost $25,000 after finding that he "reverse engineered" pay records provided to the FWO and asked a shortchanged employee not to "sell me out".