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No "presumption" penalty rate cut tied to minimum wage: Bench

The SDA has failed to head off a double whammy for retail workers whose Sunday penalty rates fall this week despite a delay to minimum wage increases, after an FWC full bench found there was no presumption they should be aligned.

ACTU pushes for real minimum rise as AiG seeks freeze

The ACTU and the Victorian Government in supplementary submissions to the FWC's annual wage review have maintained their requests for real wage increases, while the AiG has fallen into line with ACCI and backed a freeze.

Law firms drop pandemic-related bid to vary award

Thirteen major law firms have dropped their application for temporary changes to the Legal Services Award in response to the coronavirus, a month after the ASU demanded they prove the changes were necessary.

Court rejects ER manager's bid to represent employer

A judge has shot down an ER manager's bid to represent her employer in an adverse action case in which she is accused of criminal behaviour, observing that her own interests might "colour" her ability to effectively perform the role.

Payroll officers slugged in FWO's biggest penalty case

Three payroll officers who "reverse-engineered" false records during an FWO investigation have been fined a total of $121,000 as part of the largest penalty order won by the workplace watchdog.

FWC set to make urgent COVID-19 changes to vehicle award

The FWC will approve consent coronavirus-driven changes to the vehicle manufacturing, repair services and retail award if it doesn't receive any objections by late this afternoon, while it has endorsed a variation that delays half of a pay rise for six months at Ford Australia.

FWC asks who'd foot the bill for pandemic allowance

An FWC full bench has asked the Morrison Government whether it will boost funding to compensate employers if it grants a contested $5-an-hour COVID-19 allowance claim for disability workers attending to self-isolated and quarantining clients.