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306 articles are classified in All Articles > Awards > Case law

Donning/doffing PPE is working time: Bench

A full bench has quashed a finding that a meatworker is not entitled to payment for time involved in putting on and removing PPE during a half-hour unpaid meal break, but has held an employer's silence did not give the FWC power to arbitrate on the before- and after-work requirement.

HR consultancies spark re-think on WFH flexibilities

Requests by two HR consultancies to extend coronavirus-driven award variations providing more flexibility to work from home have prompted the FWC to expand the window for submissions on its provisional view that the measures should be wound up.

Employers fret over teacher pay review after Budget brush-off

Early childhood employers have told a FWC full bench that foreshadowed work value increases to teachers' award rates will impose a "significant financial impost" given the Morrison Government did not commit funding for it in this month's Budget.

Aged care nurses join 25% pay hike bid

The ANMF has filed a work value application seeking a 25% increase for nurses, nursing assistants and personal care workers in residential and home-based aged care after the FWC refused to delay the HSU's work value case to provide more time for collaboration.

FWC amends award to address disability workers' issues

An FWC full bench has decided to insert broken shift allowances, boost minimum engagements and improve sleepover conditions as part of its four-yearly review of the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award.

FWC backs 10% wage hike for early childhood teachers

The IEU says an FWC full bench is supporting pay rises of up to 10% for early childhood teachers in a decision that finds an increase is justified on work value grounds but seeks more submissions on the capacity of state and federal governments to help fund it.

FWC accelerates review of domestic violence leave

The FWC has agreed to the ACTU's request to bring forward the three-year review of domestic violence leave terms in awards, scheduling a conference to start the process at the end of the month and a hearing late this year.

Court rejects bid to stymie Domino's class action

The Federal Court has today accused pizza chain Domino's of "exaggerating" its concerns about a major class action underpayments claim and has allowed it to proceed towards trial.

FWC calls time on paid pandemic leave

Paid pandemic leave for aged care workers looks set to end this month after a five-member FWC bench concluded that the "emergency circumstances" that impelled it to make award changes in the first place no longer exist.