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Channel 9 seeks to overturn defamation ruling over BWIU comments

Channel 9 will later this month seek special leave from the High Court to challenge a NSW Court of Appeal defamation ruling that arose from a Sixty Minutes program on the BWIU and the construction industry. The case is one of a number of IR or employment-related special leave bids to be heard on Friday, May 28.

CFMEU kept out of ammonia plant, for now

The Federal Court has extended an interlocutory injunction stopping the WA CFMEU (construction & general division) from exercising the right it won in the State IRC to enter without notice the $650 million ammonia plant construction site in the State's north-west.

Full bench finds workers are employees, not contractors

In a major decision on labour hire, a full bench of the WA IRC has found that two workers on developer Gerry Hanssen's Perth projects were employees - not independent subcontractors as claimed by the labour hire firm that supplied them.

Federal Court allows use of stand down clause during industrial action

The Federal Court has ruled that employers can lawfully use stand down clauses when protected industrial action is disrupting operations, while it has also cast doubt on whether employer conduct during a bargaining period can constitute industrial action as defined in the Workplace Relations Act.

There'll be AWAs and a collective deal: Henry Walker Eltin

Despite union assertions that workers at a BHPB iron ore mine in the Pilbara are set to become the first to defeat an individual contract push in WA mining, the principal operating contractor at the site believes the mine will end up with both AWAs and a collective deal.

FAAA and Qantas suspend leave bank after OEA objections

The FAAA and Qantas have agreed not to enforce provisions in their certified agreement requiring flight attendants to donate a day's annual leave to a leave bank after the OEA maintained it discriminated against non-union employees.

AWU corporate strategies paying off

The AWU - which made a formal submission opposing the acquisition of Adelaide Brighton Ltd by Boral Ltd - has today welcomed the ACCC's decision to block the merger.

Paid maternity leave at Holden a retention winner

Holden Ltd's introduction of 14 weeks paid maternity leave has had a dramatic effect on mothers' return to work rates - lifting them from 65% to 100%, according to the company's HR director.