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Global union campaign to reform Rio Tinto

Australian and international unions have launched a global campaign to encourage institutional investors to install more independent directors on the Rio Tinto board.

George exits with call to restrict casual work

Outgoing ACTU president Jennie George has called for new restrictions on regular and "permanent" casual work, just days after Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith pronounced that there is "no casualisation crisis" in Australia .

Employees entitled to claim damages for distress

An IRC full bench has confirmed that sacked employees are entitled to claim damages for shock, humiliation and distress under the Workplace Relations Act, but found such compensation will only be available in "extraordinary" cases.

Defence employees reject non-union deal

Defence Department employees have convincingly rejected a non-union enterprise agreement, after the CPSU urged a no vote on the basis that the 10.5% pay increase over three years wouldn't compensate workers sufficiently if the GST led to inflation blowing out.

Bench retires to decide Vic Govt pay dispute

After two years of hearings, an IRC full bench has reserved its decision in the s170MX arbitration between the CPSU and the Victorian Government.

Union challenges "regular casuals" decision

The Community and Public Sector has lodged an appeal against a Federal Court ruling that found regularly-rostered employees at a Victorian prison were casuals.

Burrow has rails run

Australian Education Union secretary Sharan Burrow looks likely to be elected unopposed to replace Jennie George as president of the ACTU.