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Beazley to ban statutory individual contracts

Opposition Leader Kim Beazley has implied that the ALP won't tolerate any form of statutory individual contract if the party takes power at the next election.

Qld Govt fails to back casual loading push

In a blow to the Queensland Council of Unions' bid to boost casual loading in all State awards from 19% to 28.5%, the State Government has supported an increase to just 20%.

Court upholds sacking for breach of fidelity

The NSW Court of Appeal has upheld the sacking of an employee for breaching the common law duty of fidelity and good faith he owed to his employer.

ACCC takes on MUA over alleged boycotts

The ACCC has initiated its long-awaited Federal Court action against the MUA, claiming the union engaged in a primary boycott by stopping ships from sailing unless they had been cleaned by MUA labour.

Vic Govt employees on AWAs to get 2% increase

Victorian IR Minister Monica Gould has confirmed that the State Government will pay a 2% increase with a year's backdating to up to 10,000 employees who signed AWAs under the former State Government.

LHMU wins dispute resolution leave

The LHMU in Victoria has taken advantage of the door left ajar in the IRC full bench Leave Case to have five days paid dispute resolution leave inserted into two awards.

Case leaves transport employers exposed

The road transport industry is only now coming to grips with a Chief Industrial Magistrate Court decision which potentially leaves thousands of employers exposed to massive back-pay claims.

Roberts tipped as the next AWU leader

President of the national office of the AWU and secretary of the union's Port Kembla branch, Graham Roberts, is tipped as likely to replace Terry Muscat as next national secretary of the union.

CEO tests TP Act in contract claim

A former chief executive is seeking $570,000 in damages in an important test of an employee's ability to run a claim against an employer for misleading and deceptive conduct under s52 of the Trade Practices Act.

Big ports drag down docks productivity

Stevedoring productivity declined in the last quarter of 1999, with poor performances in Sydney and Melbourne dragging down the national average for container lifts to just 19 an hour, only marginally better than before the 1998 waterfront dispute.