Good faith bargaining page 3 of 16

152 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Good faith bargaining

Bid to axe deal a "distraction" from bargaining: Apple

Apple and the SDA have told the FWC a RAFFWU bid to axe the tech giant's retail deal is premature and a distraction from bargaining, while the unregistered union maintains it should be expedited as workers are on "inferior conditions".

Burke, Qantas joust over right to intervene in outsourcing case

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has told the High Court that upholding Qantas' challenge to a finding that it unlawfully outsourced ground-handling jobs would lead to a "chronic imbalance" in IR, while the airline argues that the Government should not be allowed to intervene in the case in the first place.

Get deals done ahead of bargaining changes, AHEIA urges

The Australian Higher Education Industrial Association says it is doing its job by developing a roadmap for securing fast rollover agreements to avoid universities being "roped in" to multi-employer deals.

Energy giant forced to bargaining table after three decades

The AWU has warned that Woodside's HR team faces a "learning curve" after the union yesterday won a hard-fought majority support determination forcing the energy giant to the negotiating table with its offshore platform employees for the first time in more than three decades.

Move faster on centralised APS bargaining: CPSU

The CPSU is pushing the Albanese Government to bring forward to the start of next year its promised return to centralised bargaining for common terms and conditions in the Australian Public Sector.

Court slams gate on quick answer to rail strike question

A court has told the RTBU it will have to wait until next year to learn whether it might be exposed to damages after Sydney Trains workers bargaining for a new deal gave customers "free rides" as part of industrial action over a six-week period.

Mineworkers to take on BHP over secure jobs

In what looms as a showdown over BHP's in-house labour hire operation, the miner's Queensland coal workforce has overwhelmingly voted to take industrial action in pursuit of a new deal built around job security.

RAFFWU hails "far superior" bookstore deal

RAFFWU says that despite initially challenging the approval of an independent bookseller's agreement, it will be celebrating the result for members set to benefit from a "far superior" wage structure and some of the strongest conditions in retail.

"Ludicrous" bargaining stand-off threatens gas supplies

A major plastics manufacturer has this morning applied for the FWC to halt protected action at a plant in Melbourne, where the AWU says the only current action is the employer's lockout of its members.

ABCC abolition clears way for "reasonable" bargaining, says Setka

Influential CFMMEU leader John Setka has flagged taking a "reasonable" approach to the next major bargaining round after the expected abolition of the ABCC, expressing hope that any significant industrial action can be avoided as members seek to keep pace with inflation.