Agreement approval requirements/processes page 10 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

FSU urging full bench to reject "oversold" CBA deal

After accusing the Commonwealth Bank of using "bribes" and threats to force a non-union deal down workers' throats, the FSU is now objecting to its FWC approval at the same time as running a test case to claw back superannuation it claims should be paid on leave loading.

Something fishy about "novel" employment category: FWC

The FWC has rejected a leading seafood producer's attempt to introduce a "novel" employment category that would place employees on a full-time roster with 5% loading to compensate for the loss of up to eight hours' work at short notice.

NZ's Fair Pay Agreements "biggest change in decades"

New Zealand's Ardern Labour Government is drafting legislation to overhaul its IR system and introduce occupation and industry-wide bargaining where unions can demonstrate support or it passes a public interest test, but businesses say its "compulsory" nature breaches international law.

Gina's train deal finally leaves station

A contentious agreement covering train drivers servicing the Roy Hill Pilbara mine network has finally been approved by the FWC, two years after being unanimously voted up by two employees.

CBA "bribes" helped secure non-union deal: FSU

The FSU is accusing the Commonwealth Bank of using "bribes" and threats to cram a non-union deal down workers' throats after staff voted it up despite strong opposition.

MSD granted despite union rebuke over "defective" petition

The FWC has overlooked a union's "typographical error" in misnaming an employer opposed to its bid for a majority support determination, but not before castigating it for eating up the Commission's time by refusing to correct its mistake.

"Approve pay cut or lose your job" not coercion: FWC

A large catering contractor did not coerce its workers when it warned them they would lose their jobs and forgo severance if they failed to approve a pay cut for new employees, the FWC has found.

Union by-pass hiccup for NSW MBA

The NSW MBA's campaign to build a beachhead of non-union agreements is in jeopardy, with the FWC rejecting two deals it found had not been genuinely agreed.

"Forensic" decision on evidence sinks MSD bid: Bench

A FWC full bench has thrown out the AWU's pursuit of a majority support determination for a new agreement covering the Ichthys LNG project after finding the union provided "limited" evidence to show that workers met the threshold of being geographically and organisationally distinct.