Case law page 6 of 55

550 articles are classified in All Articles > General protections and adverse action > Case law

Court pares Qantas pilot's discrimination, harassment case

A female Qantas pilot suing the airline for alleged gender discrimination and s-xual harassment must re-plead her case after a court found her claim that the workplace was "hostile to women" to be "unsatisfactorily imprecise".

Alleged forced resignation discriminatory: Lobbyist

Scott Morrison's former policy director has been given extra time to pursue an adverse action case alleging discrimination against one of Australia's best-connected lobbying firms, which claims he resigned after it denied him a stake in the business.

Casual caught up in "pool cleaning" was sacked: FWC

A charity did not "intend" to sack a casual carer seeking to resume shifts after recovering from a back injury, but its dithering and poor communications nevertheless "had that effect", the FWC has found.

Blank form a valid application: Tribunal

In a significant decision on what constitutes a valid application, the FWC has allowed a general protections claim to proceed despite the worker submitting a blank form.

Stressed worker's resignation should have been questioned: FWC

One of the world's largest gold mining companies should have taken a worker's stress levels into account before accepting a resignation prompted by an allergic reaction to eating a cake's icing, the FWC has found.

Gay worker not sacked for requesting parental leave: Court

A judge has rejected a sales director's claim that his employer sacked him within hours of him telling his manager he intended to take unpaid parental leave on the birth of his two surrogate children.

$200K payout after "deliberate" shop steward sacking

A court has ordered an employer to pay more than $200,000 in compensation and penalties for its "deliberate" sacking of two delegates, finding that the dismissals signalled to other employees that engaging with unions could have "serious consequences".