Equal opportunity/ gender equity page 6 of 15

149 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Equal opportunity/ gender equity

Gender bias remains key driver of pay gap: WGEA

Gender discrimination continues to be the biggest single driver of a pay gap that is nationally costing women more than $50 billion a year, according to a new report prepared for Diversity Council Australia and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

Women earn less than men in every age cohort: WGEA

The WGEA is urging employers to boost part-time workers' access to management roles and implement gender-neutral leave policies, as gender pay gap research shows women make up less than half of the full-time workforce and are out-earned by men at every age.

Discrimination in gender-biased pay arrangements: Court

Victoria's Supreme Court has ruled that an employer might have treated a manager unfavourably because of her age and sex when it ignored her repeated requests to provide her similar over-agreement pay rates to those afforded to male colleagues, while it has also found that the State's equal opportunity laws enable consideration of "unconscious bias".

Aged care bench willing to make site visits: Ross

A FWC full bench has agreed to inspect nursing homes when it starts hearing an aged care work value case later this month, while Labor has backpedalled on a plan to require facilities to roster registered nurses on 24/7 by July next year.

Former equality boss calls for Fair Work Act overhaul

Former Workplace Gender Equality Agency director Libby Lyons has called for "radical changes" to stamp out unfairness in the Fair Work Act, ditch gendered terms and discriminatory clauses in agreements and stop stereotyping women as caregivers.

Submissions due in February for maternity leave review

The newly-announced review of the 1973 Maternity Leave Act provides an opportunity for the Federal Government to resume its role as a pacesetter, according to Sydney University's Professor Marian Baird.

Lessons for all employers in ambulance service report, says VEOHRC

The head of Victoria's Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission has urged all employers to heed the insights gained from the agency's year-long review of the State's ambulance service, which confirmed a workplace culture of "everyday" disrespect and sexism and recommends establishing an internal 'equality and reform' team.