Pregnancy/childbirth/breastfeeding discrimination page 2 of 4

39 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Pregnancy/childbirth/breastfeeding discrimination

Court rebuffs Employsure suppression bid

IR advisor Employsure has failed to stop Workplace Express from accessing part of a manager's adverse action claim, after contending that it contained confidential information about a restructure that could give competitors an advantage.

"Passed over" due to parental leave, responsibilities: Manager

An Employsure manager is suing the IR advisory service for deciding against appointing her to a more senior role that she sought while on parental leave, accusing it of discriminating against her because of her pregnancy and impending family responsibilities.

Aldi accused of denying parental leave to male manager

A senior Aldi manager challenging the legality of being denied primary carer's leave under the retailer's apparently rebranded parental leave policy is suing the supermarket giant for discrimination, after it allegedly brought his redundancy forward and cut 26 weeks off his payout while he was on leave.

Sacked hours after surrogacy parental leave notice: Claim

A sales director allegedly dismissed just five hours after he told his chief operating officer that he intended to take unpaid parental leave on the birth of his two surrogate children is seeking compensation and a pecuniary penalty for alleged unlawful adverse action, but the company says the claim is baseless.

Submissions due in February for maternity leave review

The newly-announced review of the 1973 Maternity Leave Act provides an opportunity for the Federal Government to resume its role as a pacesetter, according to Sydney University's Professor Marian Baird.

Lessons for all employers in ambulance service report, says VEOHRC

The head of Victoria's Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission has urged all employers to heed the insights gained from the agency's year-long review of the State's ambulance service, which confirmed a workplace culture of "everyday" disrespect and sexism and recommends establishing an internal 'equality and reform' team.

"Kafkaesque" pregnancy case proceeds after delay excused

A recruitment company's former operations manager, who is claiming $20,000 for the hurt and humiliation flowing from her alleged discriminatory sacking due to her pregnancy, has won more time to pursue her claim, while her employer has failed in its bid for costs against her "neophyte" lawyer, after a court accepted that there had been "a comedy of errors" that fell well short of representative error.

"Gay" colleague disputed touching was inappropriate: Claim

Financial services company IOOF is facing simultaneous adverse action claims, one from a former senior manager who alleges it sacked her because she was suffering from workplace stress and another from a manager claiming sexual harassment and gender discrimination.