Sexual harassment page 16 of 23

230 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Sexual harassment

S-xually-harassed manager wins aggravated damages payment

A third-party courier driver who s-xually harassed a Sanity manager when he slapped her on the bottom, repeatedly called her the "lewd" name "Juicy Lucy" and asked many times about her relationship status has been ordered to pay aggravated damages, largely for retaliating by serving her with a defamation letter in response to her internal complaint.

Corporates tending to disclose poor conduct: Jenkins

Major corporates are slowly shifting from keeping cases of harassment and inappropriate conduct confidential to an understanding that disclosure helps protect their brands, according to Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

AMP's harassment saga claims chair as accused demoted

Financial services giant AMP Limited's handling of a s-xual harassment complaint has today brought about the resignation of its chair David Murray, while the senior executive at the centre of the allegations has been demoted.

AMP commits to release harassment report

Financial services giant AMP Limited says it will publicly release a report on a 2017 sexual harassment complaint against a senior executive if the alleged victim agrees to the contents being disclosed.

Qantas sued for millions over alleged 30-year-old events

A 55-year-old former cabin crew manager is seeking $1.7 million in lost wages and super, plus future lost earnings until retirement and at least $200,000 in damages from Qantas for alleged sexual discrimination and harassment some 17 to 30 years ago, according to court documents the airline sought to keep under wraps.

Grounded Kangaroo opposing public release of court papers

The Federal Court will rule tomorrow on a Qantas bid to block access to documents lodged by a former employee who claims she has been subjected to s-xual and disability discrimination and s-xual harassment.

Chief executive's dismissal challenge backfires spectacularly

A court has given a publicly-listed veterinary pharmaceutical company the go-ahead to pursue its former chief executive for a significant portion of more than US$400,000 paid to settle assault and s-x discrimination cases brought by two members of its marketing team.