Sex/ gender discrimination page 18 of 21

209 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Sex/ gender discrimination

Target date for gender pay equity skewered

A Senate Committee's call for a target date for full gender pay equity has been seized upon by the union pursuing a four-year long equal-remuneration case before the FWC, but found little support from business or Government members on the Labor-dominated committee.

Mandate public sector equality reporting to WGEA: Academic

The Federal Government should consider requiring APS agencies to report to the WGEA on their performance against gender equality targets, University of NSW researcher Sue Williamson told an IR academics' conference this month.

Gender pay gap widens where women hold most top jobs: Report

A new report reveals that while increasing the proportion of an organisation's female managers reduces the gender pay gap, it perversely blows out again when the majority of senior positions are held by women.

$100 in damages for "bullied" ship's officer

The Federal Court has awarded a ship's officer $100 in nominal damages for her employer's breach of her employment contract, finding it could not have foreseen that its flawed investigation of allegations she was bullied by her captain would lead her to stop working in the maritime industry altogether.

Victoria to conduct gender audits in State public sector

Victoria will conduct gender audits across the state public sector as part of a new strategy to address inequality, sexism and violence against women, while a Senate inquiry majority has rejected legislation to outlaw "pay gag clauses" to reduce the gender-based remuneration gap.

Workplace bullying soars to new levels: report

Almost one-in-10 Australian workers now experience bullying, according to a report released this week, with those employed in the utilities and government administration and defence industries suffering among the highest levels of harassment.

Bank, chief HR manager & former CEO to pay pregnant worker's costs

A court has ordered ANZ, its former chief executive Philip Chronican and two other bank executives, including its chief HR officer, to pay the costs of part of a case brought by an employee who alleged they failed to make reasonable adjustments during her pregnancy.