Overtime, penalties and loadings page 7 of 16

151 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Overtime, penalties and loadings

Deliveroo worker pursuing sham contract case

A Deliveroo rider has launched a sham contracting test case, claiming the company should have paid him almost twice as much, as a casual employee rather than per delivery as an independent contractor, given a "batching system" that weighted individual performance factors.

FWO targets toy store to test serious breach provisions

The FWO has launched a test case against the operator of a pop-up toy store, seeking to reverse the onus of proof for underpayments and rely for the first time on serious contraventions provisions that potentially expose the company and its director to 10 times the ordinary maximum penalties.

Union, employer wrangle over correct award in overtime dispute

As the FSU and Travel Money Oz head to conciliation next Thursday over claims that the currency exchange business owes workers for unpaid overtime including attendance at "buzz nights", the parties are already at loggerheads over award coverage.

Asylum seeker on 91-hour week given go-ahead to challenge sacking

An asylum seeker allegedly sacked after complaining about his pay for 91-hour weeks as a Woolworths trolley collector has been allowed to file a late adverse action claim, the FWC finding his application had "considerable merit".

Remote allowance extended to annual leave: Court

Workers at a now-shuttered immigration detention centre have won retrospective payment of a remote district allowance on accrued annual leave, despite employer arguments that it was tied to time spent at the facility's location.

Lack of HR expertise didn't excuse "shoddy" dismissal

A restaurant that required a chef to work more than 20 unpaid hours a week and summarily sacked him when he sought to pare it back and take leave was "blissfully unaware" of its award obligations, the FWC has found.

Visa worker "ripe" for exploitation: FWC

In a ruling criticising the practice of diplomats recruiting domestic workers from overseas, the FWC has ordered Iraq's consul-general to pay $20,000 to a Filipina live-in nanny dismissed after raising concerns about her entitlements.

CFMMEU pursues joint venture and others over alleged underpayments

The CFMMEU has begun Federal Court action that seeks to hold John Holland and CPB Contracting vicariously liable for subcontractors' alleged underpayment of wages and entitlements on Canberra's light rail project, with the union seeking to recover $700,000 and impose penalties.

Ballot open on new Aerocare deal as unions cry foul

Aerocare's 2500 workers today began voting on a new offer by the aviation ground-handler that seeks to cut through a thicket of litigation and hurdle strong opposition from the TWU and ASU.