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Woolies underpayment cases rumble on despite $50m payment

Woolworths says settling a class action it dismissed as "without merit" will ensure its approach to repaying thousands of salaried managers can be "appropriately addressed" via an FWO Federal Court case, but it will first pay affected staff a further $50 million.

Employer hits "absolute barrier" to legal representation

In a decision further clarifying when clients can be legally represented in workplace matters, a Queensland IRC member has confirmed he has no power to involve lawyers in underpayment cases.

UK Labour promises NZ-style sectoral safety net

The UK Labour Party has opened its annual conference by pledging to follow the New Zealand example of introducing "Fair Pay Agreements", as part of a "New Deal" for Britain's 31 million workers.

Court reduces shortchanging fine due to lockdown impacts

A court has accepted that it should impose a reduced underpayment penalty on an employer and its director because last year's extended coronavirus lockdown in Melbourne significantly reduced the size and financial resources of the business.

Coles' LSL underpayments go to "very guts" of issue: Magistrate

Coles has avoided millions of dollars in penalties for underpaying Victorian workers after relying on an agreement clause that conflicts with State long service leave laws, leaving a court concerned its "paltry" $50,000 fine sets a poor precedent.

FWO underpayment case should be scrapped: Recycler

The FWO "uncritically" accepted an employment agency's assertions about the correct award to apply to underpayment claims before prematurely issuing compliance notices, an employer alleges.

Menulog begins employed-riders trial

Food delivery business Menulog has kicked off its trial of using employed riders instead of contractors in the Sydney CBD, with participants mostly working four-hour shifts, with the option of split shifts.

Self-represented security guard launches class action

A self-represented maritime security guard has filed a class action accusing Wilson Security of underpaying him and colleagues at the North-West shelf gas project, directing them to perform unpaid work and breaching rostering and payslip requirements.

Rider not an employee, says Deliveroo

Deliveroo maintains no "work-wages bargain" existed between it and a food delivery driver, in its foreshadowed appeal against last month's high-profile FWC ruling that he was an employee protected from unfair dismissal.