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Regulation the recipe for food delivery workers: Researcher

The poor prospects of consumers mobilising behind food delivery workers to secure minimum hourly rates and conditions means it has to be addressed by the legal framework, an academic has told an IR conference, while Ai Group chief executive Innes Willox says the Federal Government needs to drive regulation of the gig economy.

$181K fine for listed company that stalled wage increase

Australia's largest bus operator has been fined $181,000 after a judge considered an internal email to its chief executive warning of the "very real possibility of being accused of 'wage theft'" if it did not pay more than 750 drivers an overdue wage increase.

Coles, Woolies face 7-week trial over alleged underpayments

The Federal Court has set a seven-week trial to hear Adero Law's class actions against Coles and Woolworths in tandem with FWO underpayment claims against the retailers, while the law firm seeks about a third of a $2.2 million settlement with Drakes and Foodland.

Make wage theft an anti-competitive practice: Senate report

The Federal Government should consider outlawing wage theft as an anti-competitive practice while also introducing a criminal offence for the worst cases, according to a Senate inquiry on unlawful underpayment.

Compensation denied after post-sacking threat

A FWC member has applied the "well known 'duck principle'" in holding that a tyre recycling company suspected of phoenixing unfairly sacked a worker who complained about unpaid superannuation, before threatening to kill a director.

FWO wins initial numbers game against Woolworths

The Federal Court has applied the "precautionary principle" in accepting the FWO's view on the process for calculating underpayments for 19,000 salaried Woolworths employees, while it has also indicated that jointly managing the matter with a similar Coles case "would be useful".

Woolies adds more underpayments to its docket

Woolworths has revealed another $144 million in underpayments to workers covered by its three main enterprise agreements, while warning its backpay bill for its earlier revelations about shortchanging salaried employees could still go higher.

McDonald's workers fed "c-ck and bull story" about breaks : SDA

McDonald's is facing fresh claims it deliberately denied paid rest breaks to thousands of workers in its own restaurants, with the fast food behemoth already up against a class action and multiple cases accusing it of conspiring with franchisees on the issue.

Pandemic no "shield" for employer's late wages: FWC

The FWC has refused to accept the pandemic as an excuse for an employer's late payment of wages over a six-month period, agreeing to consider a worker's general protections application on the basis that the delays left him with no choice but to resign.

Time's up for zombie deals: FWC

The FWC has warned employers that the "clock is ticking" for Work Choices "zombie" agreements in rebuffing a large employer's bid to keep a 2008 flat-rate deal operating until May or June, coinciding with the 10-year anniversary of its nominal expiry.