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466 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Employment standards

FWO secures $75K AA penalty against sandstone university

A court has accepted that Melbourne University threatened two casual workers that "if you claim outside your contracted hours don't expect work next year" and when one worker tried to claim five additional hours it refused to further engage her, calling her a "self-entitled Y-genner" on a "crusade behind the scenes".

FWO meeting unions, employers as criminal penalty regime looms

Fair Work Ombudsman Anna Booth will next week hold the first meeting of a new tripartite advisory group, as her organisation prepares for the new criminal penalties regime and "safe harbour" mechanisms for employers who transgress but are willing to lift their games.

Maximum fine for diplomat who kept worker in "slave-like conditions"

A court has hit a former Indian High Commissioner with maximum fines for entrapping a worker in "powerless domestic servitude" in the guise of a diplomatic posting, paying her $9 daily to keep his palatial Canberra home 17.5 hours a day, seven days a week.

Merivale to pay $18 million to end shortpay case

Justin Hemmes' Merivale has agreed to a $18 million settlement of an underpayments class action that Adero Law once valued at up to $150 million, with more than $8.6 million to go towards fees and commissions and the rest potentially split between about 14,000 group members.

Police commissioner's vax mandate unlawful: Court

Queensland's departing police commissioner failed to properly consider the human rights implications of two ultimately unlawful vaccination mandates issued at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a Supreme Court review has found.

Court holds accountants to account for withholding records

An accountancy firm and its principal must pay penalties totalling almost $70,000 for failing to comply with FWO notices to produce documents linked to to its client's "grossly inadequate" employee record-keeping.

Invest now in compliance, Stewart urges employers

Closing Loopholes 2 provisions that substantially increase penalties for breaching the Fair Work Act should prompt employers to consider boosting their investment in payroll systems and checking compliance, Adelaide University Professor of Law Andrew Stewart says.

Burke pledges to block double-dipping

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke intends to amend the Closing Loopholes No 2 legislation so that "employee-like" workers in the gig economy and in road transport cannot "double-dip" in the federal and state IR systems.

Chest infection a temporary disability: Court

A court has ordered a cafe to pay a teenage worker $7300 compensation, including $6000 for hurt and humiliation, after it took unlawful adverse action because of his temporary disability when it dismissed him for calling in sick due to a chest infection.