Awards/agreements page 11 of 142

1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Fire dispute heading towards arbitration next year

The FWC looks set to arbitrate the bargaining deadlock at Fire Rescue Victoria next year, after it scheduled a hearing date next month to hear threshold issues arising from its first intractable bargaining declaration.

Recent cases show shift in bargaining, pay equity approach: Hatcher

FWC President Adam Hatcher says there are early indications the tribunal's new powers are starting to influence bargaining behaviour, while he is also urging legal and HR practitioners to look into a recent case that "signposts a way to remedy gender undervaluation at the granular workplace level".

Road sense absent in contractor case: Court

A judge has lamented the shortage of "common sense" on display in a case in which a union contends a government agency breached its agreement's secure jobs and consultation provisions when it engaged a roadworks contractor.

IBD case preparation to proceed while ballot underway

The FWC will allow the Independent Education Union to start preparing evidence to support an intractable bargaining application for Catholic schools in Western Australia, ahead of teachers voting on the employer's third unilateral offer.

Catholic teachers seek to break bargaining "deadlock"

The union that won the first multi-employer bargaining authorisation under the Secure Jobs provisions is now seeking an intractable bargaining declaration as Catholic school teachers prepare to vote on a third unilateral offer after two years of fruitless single-interest bargaining.

KFC facing potential class action over rest breaks

Shine and RAFFWU are preparing a class action against KFC to win compensation for potentially tens of thousands of workers allegedly denied proper rest breaks, weeks after the Federal Court slammed the SDA over its approach to McDonald's rest breaks litigation and decided its case should run concurrently with an earlier Shine/RAFFWU proceeding.

Unions seek to stymie employer bypass strategy

The RTBU and ASU will today test whether employers can make deals directly with their employees after the termination of protected action to bypass the subsequent 21 days of negotiations and avoid the ensuing arbitration of an agreement.