Awards/agreements page 2 of 142

1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Academic's 'cancel culture' win overturned by full court

Sydney University will not have to reinstate a lecturer sacked five years ago for superimposing a swastika on an image of an Israeli flag, after a full Federal Court majority found he could not prove that his "incendiary" conduct fell under intellectual freedom protections.

No bargaining orders despite HR manager side-stepping union

The SDA has failed to win bargaining orders against a beauty retailer that froze it out of negotiations for a new deal, after a FWC member had just an hour to weigh the application before voting ended and it won resounding support.

Aged care providers "commercially compelled" to accept pay rise delay

Unions are asking the FWC to reject the Albanese Government's proposed phase-in schedule for Stage 3 work value pay rises of up to 13.5% in aged care, but employers say they are "commercially compelled" to support it to protect the sector's viability.

Transfer to direct jobs lines up with SJSP: FWC

The FWC has transferred workers from BHP's in-house labour hire arm to direct employment with the new owners of a former BHP Coal mine, finding it "consistent" with the intent of the Fair Work Act's new "same-job, same-pay" protections.

SJSP clause dropped from Aldi deal at last minute: SDA

The SDA says its challenge to a Victorian/Tasmanian Aldi deal on the basis that it tries to circumvent new "same-job, same-pay" laws has prompted the company to quietly ditch similar provisions from a proposed SA deal immediately before an unsuccessful ballot.

Agreement did not make work "voluntary": Court

The MUA has failed to convince a Federal Court judge that stevedores are owed for days lost through strikes because their agreement supposedly guaranteed 30 hours a week pay once they reached an annual threshold, whether they worked or not.

500% of award rates a bit rich: FWC bench

Employers have succeeded in varying an award clause a FWC full bench agrees could produce the "absurd" result of workers receiving five times the prescribed minimum rates.

SDA backing looms large in Coles deal approval

A FWC full bench led by President Adam Hatcher has approved the new Coles supermarkets agreement, after according "significant weight" to the SDA representing at least 33 times more Coles employees than RAFFWU and rejecting the latter's claims that workers did not "genuinely agree" to it.

Aldi clause circumvents same-job, same-pay rules: SDA

The SDA is urging the FWC to rule that labour hire clauses in a proposed Aldi agreement are invalid because they circumvent the same-job, same-pay provisions recently introduced into the Fair Work Act.