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Union decries objection to "ambiguous" proposed bans

The NTEU is challenging a FWC decision to knock out the bulk of its "ambiguous" questions in a Curtin University protected action ballot, including proposed bans on responding to phone calls and emails, working outside of ordinary hours or attending work events.

No extra notice for potential train bans: FWC

Sydney Trains' request for extra notice of RTBU plans to turn off Opal readers and gates so it could safely do so itself has been rejected by the FWC, a senior member observing that on the employer's own evidence it would only make any potential disruption worse.

Coal strike threat after protracted BHP bargaining talks

The CFMMEU's mining & energy division is seeking authorisation from members to take industrial action as it pursues the replacement of the biggest enterprise agreement in the Queensland coalfields, after losing patience with BHP in FWC-brokered negotiations.

Give docks employers more protected action options: PC

The Productivity Commission says the workplace tribunal should have a "fast-track process" for early involvement in industrial disputes on the docks, while waterfront employers should have more options for taking their own protected action beyond lockouts.

NSW threat vindicates Burke anti-axe stance: Unions

Unions say an "eleventh hour" NSW Government ultimatum to seek to terminate deals covering train workers unless they call off all protected action by tomorrow afternoon is a clear example of the type of action that federal IR Minister Tony Burke will not support.

FWC knocks back Shell bid to cool bargaining dispute

Shell Australia has after failing in its bid to suspend protected action on its Prelude floating LNG platform decided to delay major maintenance work on the northern WA facility for almost a year.

Shoddy undercarriage for interim bans order: FWC

The FWC, in rejecting Sydney Trains' application for an interim s424 order to suspend or terminate protected action by the RTBU and CEPU, has rejected the precedent put forward by the employer as supporting its case.

NSW set to raise penalties for unlawful strikes

The Perrottet Government in NSW says it is moving to massively increase fines for unlawful industrial action to send a "message" ahead of a teachers' strike, while a commissioner who blocked part of a PSA strike says it refused to meaningfully engage with the union on wages.

Qantas asking High Court to overturn outsource ruling

The TWU is decrying the Flying Kangaroo's decision to seek special leave from the High Court to challenge the full Federal Court ruling that it took unlawful adverse action when it contracted-out its ground handling functions to prevent workers from exercising their workplace rights to bargain and engage in industrial action, while rival Virgin Australia has told its workforce that it will end its wage freeze.