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Westpac sacked me because I was 67, claims manager

A Westpac manager accused of directing s-xual comments and inappropriate GIFs to female colleagues in online team meetings claims in an adverse action case that his sacking was in fact motivated by his own complaints of age discrimination, bullying and overwork.

$1M Employsure penalty a fraction of settlement offer

Employsure has revealed that the ACCC rejected a $3.3 million offer to settle its false advertising prosecution that led to the Federal Court awarding the IR advisor costs of almost $900,000 but then hitting it with a $1 million penalty.

McDonald's faces class action over allegedly unpaid breaks

McDonald's has been hit with a second Federal Court case over its alleged failure to provide paid rest breaks, with a RAFFWU-backed class action claiming thousands of past and present workers are potentially owed millions over the "systemic" issue.

High Court hears prior conduct case as CFMMEU fined $460K

The financial implications of the ABCC's Pattinson High Court case being heard today have been reinforced by the Federal Court's latest ruling against the CFMMEU, a judge acknowledging that while the $460,000 fine factored in the union's long history of contraventions it still needed to be "proportionate" to the breaches involved.

Coles' backpay $100M short, claims FWO

The FWO alleges in court proceedings filed yesterday that Coles owes its managers about $100 million more than it has made allowance for following internal payroll audits looking at the underpayments.

Union slugged millions after rumination on "just" compensation

In a ruling giving close consideration to how compensation is assessed, the Federal Court has ordered the MUA to pay more than $2 million to Qube Logistics and Patrick stevedores over unlawful wharf stoppages in 2017.

$1 million fine for Employsure's misleading representations

The Federal Court has today ordered IR advisor Employsure to pay a penalty of $1 million for making false or misleading representations via its advertising on Google that it had government sponsorship or approval, while the company might also face substantial costs.

Union "recidivism" of limited relevance in "slur" case

The Federal Court has largely declined to take into account the CFMMEU's "recidivism" in setting a penalty against it for an organiser's unintended racial slur when he complained to a supervisor of southeast Asian background about the "third world" state of a Perth building site.

CFMMEU's engagement of trainer paying off in court

The CFMMEU's engagement of a former FWC presidential member to coach its officials has paid dividends after the Federal Court reduced an organiser's fines after considering his evidence the training had "helped me with the emotional side of the job".