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ABCC eludes Labor darts over judge's criticism

The Federal Opposition has failed to extract an apology from the ABCC following judicial criticism of its handling of a recent case against the CFMMEU, the construction watchdog shooting back that it acted "highly appropriately" for a model litigant.

Employer whacked $18K for dodging underpayment notice

In a ruling reinforcing the wisdom of heeding FWO compliance notices, an online directory and its director have despite pleas they would be "crippled" been fined more than $18,000 for failing to rectify underpayments on time.

Four-fold rise in ABCC compulsory examinations

The ABCC increased its use of its compulsory examination powers by 433% in 2020-21, with more than half of the interviews conducted in Queensland.

Employer fined $36K after "daring" FWO to come after him

A hospitality business and its director have been hit with a $36,000 fine after they "snubbed their noses" at the FWC by failing to comply on time with orders to pay an unfairly sacked barista $5780 compensation.

HR manager gaslighted me: Claim

An aged care facility manager accusing a HR manager of "gaslighting" her by failing to reveal she was being investigated claims she returned from leave to find a complaints meeting underway in her own office.

Bad punt as union, officials fined $121K for entry breaches

The Federal Court has described the CFMMEU's construction and general division and four of its officials as having "taken the odds" when assuming there was no statutory requirement for them to show entry permits when accessing a major project site.

Union leaders facing up to 10 years' jail

CFMMEU construction and general division NSW branch secretary Darren Greenfield and his assistant secretary son Michael face up to 10 years' imprisonment and $1.1 million in fines after today being charged with corruption offences for allegedly accepting bribes from construction companies.

Court rebuffs ABCC take on CFMMEU "corrective measures"

The Federal Court has rejected the ABCC's "cynical" view of CFMMEU-commissioned entry rights training for an inexperienced organiser who pushed over a Fulton Hogan manager when pressing to access parts of a Monash Freeway project site in 2017.