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Qantas facing OHS discrimination charge

SafeWork NSW has charged Qantas over alleged discriminatory conduct against an OHS representative it stood down after he apparently advised colleagues not to clean planes arriving from China early last year due to COVID-19 concerns.

Employer fined $36K after "daring" FWO to come after him

A hospitality business and its director have been hit with a $36,000 fine after they "snubbed their noses" at the FWC by failing to comply on time with orders to pay an unfairly sacked barista $5780 compensation.

FWO teaching universities a lesson

The Fair Work Ombudsman is investigating 14 universities for underpayments as part of its growing focus on compliance by the big end of town.

Woolies underpayment cases rumble on despite $50m payment

Woolworths says settling a class action it dismissed as "without merit" will ensure its approach to repaying thousands of salaried managers can be "appropriately addressed" via an FWO Federal Court case, but it will first pay affected staff a further $50 million.

WorkSafe Victoria prosecuting Government over quarantine failures

WorkSafe Victoria has laid 58 charges against the State's health department for exposing workers to a serious risk of death or serious illness in the first stage of its COVID-19 hotel quarantine program, but it is not pursuing leaders of the program or government ministers.

"Whistleblower" surgeon launches $17 million adverse action claim

A weight loss surgeon accused of sexual harassment is claiming in a $17 million adverse action and breach of contract case that colleagues engaged in an "illegal means conspiracy" to damage him professionally after he blew the whistle on them.

Union leaders facing up to 10 years' jail

CFMMEU construction and general division NSW branch secretary Darren Greenfield and his assistant secretary son Michael face up to 10 years' imprisonment and $1.1 million in fines after today being charged with corruption offences for allegedly accepting bribes from construction companies.

Court rebuffs ABCC take on CFMMEU "corrective measures"

The Federal Court has rejected the ABCC's "cynical" view of CFMMEU-commissioned entry rights training for an inexperienced organiser who pushed over a Fulton Hogan manager when pressing to access parts of a Monash Freeway project site in 2017.

Judge's reasons "a disordered stream of consciousness"

A full Federal Court has ordered a retrial of a recruitment company employee's adverse action case, finding a Federal Circuit Court judge failed to provide adequate reasons for throwing it out.