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"Threshold" settlements should be beyond paid agents: Employer

An experienced former employer-clientele lawyer turned HR manager has suggested that one way of discouraging paid agents from pursuing "unwinnable" cases is to introduce a "threshold" settlement amount below which they cannot charge clients for their services.

Confidential details secure with ballot agent: FWC

The FWC has rejected an employer's bid to limit the amount of confidential employee information it must give an independent agent ahead of a protected action ballot, while it has also refused to amend the proposed PABO to include a safety commitment.

Look to SA model for paid agent regulation: WA IRC registrar

The FWC should look to the South Australian paid agent model because its registration criteria and disciplinary powers for code of conduct breaches are superior to the Western Australian system, the WA IRC's registrar says in a submission to the FWC's consultation on options to rein in "challenging paid agent conduct".

Court tosses out ROC case against MEU leader

The Federal Court has thrown out a "time barred" former ROC case accusing a MEU mining and energy division president of misusing his union credit card to cover a series of private expenses in the 2016 financial year, while also finding no evidence of dishonesty.

Case reallocated despite recusal refusal

FWC member Bernie Riordan has dismissed a recusal bid, denying that he is biased towards tradespeople and against women, but will reallocate the case to preserve the tribunal's "scarce" resources.

FWC laments "like it or lump it" extra hours scenario

The FWC has expressed dismay at a large aged care employer's "shift bidding" system in which it offers part-time workers extra hours only at ordinary pay, recommending instead that each employee get a chance to cap how many such shifts they are prepared to work without receiving overtime rates.

Sacked Qantas workers face delay for compensation

Former Qantas ground crew seeking compensation for their unlawful sacking in 2020 will have to wait at least two more months after parties presented the trial judge with competing views about the cohort's continuing employment prospects.

Limit minimum pay rise to 2%: ACCI

The FWC's minimum wage panel should award an increase of no more than 2% in this year's annual wage review, according to peak employer group ACCI, partly to correct "errors" in the Commission's analysis in its last two rulings.