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"Inconsistency" no basis for new appeal mechanism: Ross

There is "no substance" to the claims of inconsistent FWC decision-making that have underpinned calls for an independent appeal mechanism, according to the tribunal's president, Justice Iain Ross.

Blewitt's "brown paper bag" claims a fantasy, says TWU leader

Former TWU national president and WA branch secretary Jim McGiveron has dismissed as "a complete fantasy" a claim by former AWU WA branch leader Ralph Blewitt that he was given $5000 cash in a brown paper bag to help win control of the transport union's state branch two decades ago.

Heydon should probe all slush funds: ACTU

The ACTU has called for the Heydon Royal Commission to investigate all political slush funds, after the revelations of NSW Liberal Party donations that have emerged from the state's Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Razor gang backs lower parental leave cap, longer super preservation

Advocating a much more severe cut to the Coalition's paid parental leave scheme than Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced on Tuesday, the National Audit Commission has recommended the government cap payments at average weekly earnings and plough the resulting savings into child care assistance.

Capping parental leave payment at $50,000 won't save much: Abbott

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has conceded that savings "won't be vast" from cutting the maximum payment under its paid parental leave scheme to $50,000, while the Greens are pushing for the new regime to be fully-funded by the Coalition's proposed levy on business.

Ditch proposed greenfields benchmark, employers tell Abbott

Business groups are pushing the Abbott Government to drop a requirement in its Fair Work amendments that the FWC take account of prevailing industry standards in approving employer proposals to resolve deadlocked greenfields negotiations, in submissions to a Senate inquiry.

Retail funds seek to stymie FWC super review

The peak body for retail superannuation funds is seeking an urgent Fair Work Commission hearing in a bid to halt the review of default funds in modern awards.