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Porter's duties sifted for defamation conflicts

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is seeking advice on whether to delegate some of the responsibilities of IR Minister and Attorney-General Christian Porter while he is suing the ABC for defamation in the Federal Court, according to political sources.

Inquiry backs passage of Omnibus IR Bill

In an inquiry report released this afternoon, Coalition senators have acknowledged disquiet from employers and unions about elements of the Omnibus IR Bill, but are urging its passage without further amendment.

Former staffer indicates Reynolds paid damages

The Defence Minister's former staffer who alleged a colleague raped her in the workplace appears to have won a damages payout to settle her claim over Minister Reynolds' recent "lying cow" comment.

Give early jabs to wider cohort of frontline workers: ACTU

The ACTU is urging the Morrison Government to expand the early access phases of the coronavirus vaccine to include "high-risk" jobs performed by supermarket workers, teachers, public transport operators and airport security workers.

Cash capable of shepherding IR Bill: Morrison

The Morrison Government has indicated it will push ahead with the Omnibus Bill in the Senate next week despite the expected absence of its architect, IR Minister and Attorney-General Christian Porter.

Bench to hear opposing views on expediting flexibility proposal

The FWC will this morning deal with objections to the fast-tracking of a joint union and Master Grocers Australia flexible hours award variation for part-time retail workers, and calls to join the bid with a "far more meritorious" ABI and NSW Business Chamber proposal.