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Picketing, coercion warrants "severe" penalties: Judge

The Federal Court has imposed fines and costs of almost $1 million on the CFMMEU and more than $170,000 on officials and delegates for unlawful picketing and coercion of a crane company to reinstate a sacked delegate and sign an agreement.

Department must consult on dress standards, social media: FWC

The Department of Home Affairs has failed to convince the FWC it was not obliged to consult workers before introducing new policies governing social media use, interactions with children and a dress code deeming sleeveless clothing "unsuitable".

Casual review paper raises curly questions

A discussion paper on the casual terms award review raises 32 questions for parties to answer in their submissions, including whether common clauses prescribing minimum payments and engagement periods are within its ambit, ahead of a conference this week and hearings slated for mid-June.

Unions push for abandonment of super changes

Unions have urged the Morrison Government to dump the "Your Future, Your Super" legislation after reports the Coalition will allow a scheduled increase in employer super contributions from 9.5% to 10% to go ahead.

Sidelining Holgate breached her contract: SC

Australia Post's standing aside of chief executive Christine Holgate unlawfully breached her employment contract, according to a legal opinion tabled at a Senate inquiry into the publicly-owned enterprise.

ACTU-led coalition pushes for harassment change

Unions and gender equality activists will push the Morrison Government to move quickly to introduce legal obligations for employers to prevent sexual harassment and assault at work.

Morrison Government responds to Respect@Work

The Morrison Government says it has adopted the 55 recommendations "wholly, in part, or in principle" in Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark report on sexual harassment.

Employers seeking minimum wage freezes, delays

Employer bodies are asking the FWC's minimum way panel to freeze minimum rates, limit any rises to CPI or to follow last year's precedent and postpone any increases.