Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 7 of 204

2031 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Look to SA model for paid agent regulation: WA IRC registrar

The FWC should look to the South Australian paid agent model because its registration criteria and disciplinary powers for code of conduct breaches are superior to the Western Australian system, the WA IRC's registrar says in a submission to the FWC's consultation on options to rein in "challenging paid agent conduct".

Court tosses out ROC case against MEU leader

The Federal Court has thrown out a "time barred" former ROC case accusing a MEU mining and energy division president of misusing his union credit card to cover a series of private expenses in the 2016 financial year, while also finding no evidence of dishonesty.

Case reallocated despite recusal refusal

FWC member Bernie Riordan has dismissed a recusal bid, denying that he is biased towards tradespeople and against women, but will reallocate the case to preserve the tribunal's "scarce" resources.

FWC laments "like it or lump it" extra hours scenario

The FWC has expressed dismay at a large aged care employer's "shift bidding" system in which it offers part-time workers extra hours only at ordinary pay, recommending instead that each employee get a chance to cap how many such shifts they are prepared to work without receiving overtime rates.

FWC puts bank's zombie deals in the vault

Union support has not proved enough for a clutch of CBA workers to have their zombie AWAs extended, after a FWC full bench accepted the bank's efforts to ameloriate any losses arising from transferring to its existing enterprise agreement.

FWC backs new Big W deal

The FWC has approved, with undertakings, a Big W agreement once labelled by RAFFWU as a "shocking deal".

FWC rejects union bid to extend 2005 deal

The AMWU has failed to persuade a FWC bench to prolong the life of a near-20-year-old zombie deal while it attempts to capitalise on a majority support determination forcing long-time nemesis Cochlear to the bargaining table.

IR agent's representation to be determined en masse

The FWC bench appointed to scrutinise a paid agent's future involvement in adverse action and unfair dismissal cases has asked a first tranche of 46 applicants to explain why they need to be represented by a firm recently described as having engaged in "unethical" practices.

"It's time" say nurses seeking up to 35% pay lift

The ANMF is seeking pay rises of up to 35% for an estimated 250,000 nurses, nursing assistants and midwives as part of a work value claim intended to build on the wins of the related aged care case and extend the "recognition" to other healthcare settings.