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115 articles are classified in All Articles > Research and statistics > Wages

Share gender equity responsibility between HR and managers: Report

Responsibility for gender equity strategies should be partially devolved from centralised HR departments to line managers, and training to combat "unconscious bias" in selection processes should be mandated for supervisors and managers, according to a new report on barriers to women's career advancement in higher education.

Bargained private-sector pay rises resume 3%-plus growth

Pay rises in private-sector enterprise deals have climbed back above 3%, coinciding with a big reduction in agreement-making in retail and hospitality, according to the Department of Employment.

Don't re-open casuals case, says AMWU; and more

AMWU urges full bench to reject bid to re-open casual service case; FWC dismisses claim by "bullied" manager who didn’t appear; Wages might be on the rise, says RBA; and Training obligations should continue for 457 visa sponsors.

Hotel housekeeping doesn't check-out, says FWO

An FWO inquiry into housekeeping services reveals that exploitation of vulnerable, overseas workers is rife within the industry, as one of Australia's largest hotel and resort operators agrees to enter into enforceable undertakings with the watchdog in a bid to avoid proceedings over an independent contracting model it established that robbed workers of their correct wages and conditions.

New Federal Circuit Court appointments; & more

IR barristers appointed to Federal Circuit Court; FWC member retires after almost 15 years; Wage rises lower in industries hit by resources downturn, says RBA; New FAAA leadership seeking to secure role in new Qantas aircraft; Agreement delivers wage justice for nurses, says Victorian Government; and Supermarket self-service hindering employment growth, says report.

Pay rises in private sector agreements drop below 3%

Wage growth in private sector federal agreements approved by the FWC in the December quarter of last year dropped to a new 24-year low, according to the Department of Employment.

Key ACTU affiliate asks FWC to set medium-term minimum wage target

The union that represents cleaners, disability care workers and security guards is asking the FWC to "convene a special process" in the second half of the year to determine whether it can set a "medium-term target" for the minimum wage, to arrest what it says is a long-term downward trajectory.

Private sector pay growth drops to 2%

The 2% rise in private sector rates of pay last year is the lowest in the almost 20 years of the Wage Price Index, according to the ABS.