Labour hire/on hire page 6 of 17

165 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Labour hire/on hire

Construct goes casual after High Court ruling

The labour hire company at the centre of a historic High Court ruling on employment status is shifting to paying its workers as casuals, while taking legal advice on longer-term arrangements, and is facing a backpay claim that the CFMMEU claims could reach $60 million.

Wage case timetable; Query over Senate witness treatment; & more

Provisional wage review timetable approved; Secure jobs inquiry queries witness treatment; New FWC website to launch this weekend; Permit suspended after underwhelming case; Productivity Inquiry gets underway; Labour Hire Authority thwarts "phoenixing"; and Feedback sought on online hearings.

Proposed labour hire harmonisation plan with states: A-G's

The Attorney-General's Department has revealed that it has prepared a draft report on harmonisation of labour hire laws using "best practice elements in existing schemes" across the states and territories.

Rossato ruling decimates casuals class actions

Further casuals class actions are set to drop away as a result of the High Court's finding in Rossato that contracts are decisive in determining employment status, but Adero Law says it will continue to press other cases involving the black coal mining award.

Union to test key BHP OS precept

BHP's internal labour hire operation is facing a union challenge to a key element of its model, which holds that its workers are not attached to particular mine sites or regions and can have their jobs relocated anywhere on the east coast.

Consultation critical for vax-mandating employers after key ruling

The key lesson from last week's Mt Arthur ruling by a five-member FWC full bench is that employers that impose vaccination mandates not required by public health orders must comply with consultation obligations, according to the coal mining union's legal director.

CUB had right to resist reinstatement of on-hire worker: Full Court

A full Federal Court has dismissed an on-hire worker's bid to overturn a FWC ruling that it could not force a labour hire company to reinstate him to his former job at client CUB, upholding the tribunal's finding giving primacy to the host employer's right to determine who it allowed on its site.

Labour hire bill backed by expert, panned by employers

Federal Labor's 'Same Job, Same Pay' legislation introduced into Parliament yesterday has won the endorsement of IR legal expert Anthony Forsyth, who says it represents the "next necessary step" in addressing the undesirable effects of labour hire workers being engaged for lengthy periods on lower wages and conditions than direct employees.

Albanese stakes out labour hire battleground

Federal Opposition leader Anthony Albanese this morning confirmed his determination to make working conditions a major battleground in the upcoming Federal election with his introduction of a private member's bill aimed at erasing the gap between directly-employed and labour hire workers.

Many questions, few answers over suite of new IR laws

Unions have branded further legislation by the Morrison Government to protect migrant workers as "inadequate, given the scale and of nature" of exploitation, a view endorsed by a leading academic researcher.