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135 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Contractor

Court reinforces that contract is now king

In a case applying the High Court's new guidelines on contractors, a judge has rejected a worker's bid for leave, super and redundancy payments after finding he was not an employee despite averaging 38 hours a week over eight years for a solitary employer.

Employers, Cash pillory casuals sick leave scheme

The Victorian Government's Australian-first pilot scheme to provide sick leave to casual and contract workers in selected industries has come under immediate fire from the Coalition and employer groups.

Construct goes casual after High Court ruling

The labour hire company at the centre of a historic High Court ruling on employment status is shifting to paying its workers as casuals, while taking legal advice on longer-term arrangements, and is facing a backpay claim that the CFMMEU claims could reach $60 million.

"Big win" for Deliveroo ahead of reactivated case

Deliveroo's appeal against a finding that driver Diego Franco is an employee is set to be revived following today's High Court Jamsek and Personnel Contracting judgments that affirm that employment relationships are substantially defined by contractual terms.

High Court rulings on employment relationships "frightening": Stewart

The implications of today's High Court decisions affirming the primacy of contractual terms in determining employment relationships are "extremely concerning, perhaps even frightening" for those concerned about the integrity of the IR system, an academic says.

High Court lays down rules on independent contractors

The High Court has affirmed the primacy of contractual terms in determining employment relationships, finding a construction worker was an employee of a labour hire company and that two truck drivers were independent contractors despite decades of exclusive service to a solitary business.

Rossato ruling decimates casuals class actions

Further casuals class actions are set to drop away as a result of the High Court's finding in Rossato that contracts are decisive in determining employment status, but Adero Law says it will continue to press other cases involving the black coal mining award.

Consultation critical for vax-mandating employers after key ruling

The key lesson from last week's Mt Arthur ruling by a five-member FWC full bench is that employers that impose vaccination mandates not required by public health orders must comply with consultation obligations, according to the coal mining union's legal director.

"Sham" redundancy followed anti-bullying application: Claim

An IT officer is suing the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission for allegedly subjecting him to a "sham" redundancy motivated by his failed anti-bullying application and personal clashes with a team leader.