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Don't prescribe direct employment in aged care: PC

In findings unlikely to get a good reception in Canberra, the Productivity Commission has come down firmly against the federal government adopting a policy of preferring direct employment in the aged care sector.

Transport gig model could be broader template: Peetz

A special panel, similar to that proposed for the road transport industry, could be established within the FWC to set minimum pay and conditions for gig workers in disability, aged and home care, a leading IR academic has told a parliamentary inquiry.

S-x worker not an employee: FWC

The FWC has found in the absence of a written contract that a sex worker was an independent contractor rather than a casual employee before being dismissed in June for “unacceptable and threatening behaviour".

Delivery platforms embrace minimum standards, with caveats

Platform companies Deliveroo, Menulog and Uber say they are embracing the Federal Government's consultations on the introduction of national minimum IR standards for the gig economy, but insist any changes must be tailor-made and leave room for choice.

Employer's "speculative" arguments no barrier to MSD: FWC

The FWC has opened the way for MSS Security workers stationed around three Pilbara Ports Authority sites to start bargaining for a new deal, despite the employer's claims that any pay increases could stymie its ability to renew a soon-to-expire contract.

Newsflash: Finding that Deliveroo rider an employee quashed

In a significant decision on the employment status of gig workers, a FWC full bench has quashed a ruling that Deliveroo delivery rider Diego Franco was an employee entitled to protection from unfair dismissal.

Tech start-up advisor an employee, FWC rules

In an important decision holding that a largely unpaid advisor was a tech start-up's employee rather than an independent contractor, the FWC has relied on the in-principle acceptance of his "far from comprehensive" proposal and the way in which the contract was performed.

Flexed-off Amazon worker wants job back

The TWU is seeking the reinstatement of an Amazon Flex courier claimed to have been kicked off the retail behemoth's platform without notice or explanation, in a case testing general carrier provisions in the NSW IR Act while the union calls for equivalent federal protections.

FWO case runs into High Court contractor ruling

The FWO has lost its appeal against a finding that four allegedly underpaid delivery drivers were independent contractors rather than employees, the judge observing that the case was "much harder" to decide than the recent High Court ruling that guided him.

Platforms rail against Queensland gig regulation plans

Food delivery platforms say "inappropriate" independent courier provisions in a Queensland IR Bill will fail gig workers, undermine the Federal Albanese Government's plans to boost protections and create a state versus national approach if passed into legislation.