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ABS sued over social media post sacking

A casual Census collector has launched court action against the ABS, accusing it of unlawfully sacking her for expressing a political opinion on LinkedIn.

Judge's reasons "a disordered stream of consciousness"

A full Federal Court has ordered a retrial of a recruitment company employee's adverse action case, finding a Federal Circuit Court judge failed to provide adequate reasons for throwing it out.

Lecturer wins 'cancel culture' appeal

In a significant ruling on academic free speech, a university lecturer has been given a second chance to challenge his sacking for superimposing a swastika on an Israeli flag after a full Federal Court found insufficient weight had been attached to an agreement's 'intellectual freedom' clause.

Social media posts could lead to sacking: ABC

The ABC is updating its employment contracts to make it clear that breaches of its personal use of social media guidelines might lead to directions to delete content or termination of employment.

DHL stops delegates passing company "secrets" to UWU

In a novel use of the Corporations Act in an IR setting, logistics company DHL has secured an urgent interlocutory injunction to stop the UWU procuring alleged confidential information from about 60 shop stewards that might have given it a significant advantage in enterprise negotiations underway across the company's sites.

"Naïve" Facebook post insufficient reason for sacking: FWC

In a decision highlighting both the perils of "naïve" social media use and the incongruities of the JobKeeper program, the FWC has declined to award compensation to a teenage casual swim instructor unfairly sacked for recommending a rival business on a community Facebook page.

Department must consult on dress standards, social media: FWC

The Department of Home Affairs has failed to convince the FWC it was not obliged to consult workers before introducing new policies governing social media use, interactions with children and a dress code deeming sleeveless clothing "unsuitable".

Irish code to address "always on call" working culture

As COVID-19 amplifies pressure for workers to have greater rights to "disconnect" outside of working hours, the Irish Government has asked its Workplace Relations Commission to develop a code of practice to promote the practice.

Tribunal backs sacking of worker who text-harassed HR manager

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a council worker on a "destructive path", following a day that started with him refusing to wear safety boots and ended with him almost hitting a team leader with his truck and harassing a HR manager.

Hitler parody worker wins $201K compensation, loses promotion

While ordering BP to pay more than $200,000 compensation to a reinstated worker who made a Hitler parody video of its protracted bargaining with oil refinery workers, an FWC full bench has allowed it to reduce his bonus and revoke a promotion.