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138 articles are classified in All Articles > 2020 coronavirus pandemic > Wages

Aviation package should support workers: Unions

Aviation unions have demanded that a $715 million support package flow to workers rather than help prop up the finances of airlines during the COVID-19 crisis.

Mining unions call for paid coronavirus leave

The CFMMEU and the AWU have made a joint appeal for mining and resources sector workers to receive sick pay if required to self-isolate and for minimum conditions to apply if they are stood down.

Flying Kangaroo standing down 20,000 workers

Qantas will stand down two-thirds of its 30,000 employees for at least 10 weeks as it imposes further cuts to flights after the latest Federal Government advice against travelling overseas.

AiG seeks coronavirus-driven minimum wage rise delay

The "exceptional circumstances" created by COVID-19 warrant delaying the operative date of any minimum wage increase by a fortnight to July 15, according to the Ai Group, while the Victorian Government is calling for a rise of at least 3%.

Unions to "call out" employers failing to offer COVID-19 paid leave

The ACTU has repeated its call for two weeks' paid leave for workers who are forced into isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while it has established a webpage to 'name and fame' employers that have come to the party and has foreshadowed that it will be "calling out" employers that have not.

Unions push for paid coronavirus "special leave"

Unions have today called for the Morrison Government to provide two weeks of federally-funded paid "special leave" for all workers forced to stop work or isolate themselves due to the coronavirus pandemic.