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New hurdle for CFMMEU entry permit renewals

The FWC has renewed entry permits for three CFMMEU officials, but has made them conditional on them not exercising specific entry powers designed to protect textile, clothing and footwear workers, unless they complete further training.

Corrective training fails to save organiser's permit

A CFMMEU organiser who engaged in threatening and coercive conduct, including stopping a concrete pour, has failed to convince the FWC to renew his entry permit, despite presenting evidence that he had recently completed training on the error of his ways.

"Remedial" training for union officials unnecessary: Court

A court has fined a CFMMEU official almost $9000, but has attached little weight to "remedial" training he undertook after the ABCC charged him with preventing a concrete pour, saying it should not be necessary for someone in his role.

ABCC counsel missed "disgusting" homophobic slur: Judge

A judge has in slugging a CFMMEU organiser with a $12,500 personal fine speculated that counsel for the ABCC may have led a "sheltered" existence in not appreciating that the official had aimed a "quite disgusting" homophobic slur at a project's safety adviser.

FWC shelves permit after CFMMEU organiser's abusive outburst

The FWC has suspended the entry permit of a CFMMEU organiser held to have flagrantly abused his power and urged workers to drive into him while he claimed to be responding to safety concerns, with another official also facing the temporary loss of his permit.

Entry permit on ice after 700-day training delay

A CFMMEU organiser who failed to undertake "targeted" training on his rights and obligations until more than two years after the ABCC accused him of multiple breaches has had his entry permit suspended for three months.

Full court slashes fines after ABCC's "confused" case

A full Federal Court has halved fines imposed on the CFMMEU and one of its officials after finding that the evidence in the ABCC's "factually confused" case failed to establish that an official pushed over a project manager during an entry dispute.

Wage case timetable; Query over Senate witness treatment; & more

Provisional wage review timetable approved; Secure jobs inquiry queries witness treatment; New FWC website to launch this weekend; Permit suspended after underwhelming case; Productivity Inquiry gets underway; Labour Hire Authority thwarts "phoenixing"; and Feedback sought on online hearings.

ABCC warned over "misuse" of powers

A FWC full bench has warned the ABCC it is a "misuse" of power to raise appeal grounds contrary to its initial position, while rejecting the construction watchdog's claim the tribunal must consider a need for general deterrence when deciding whether to suspend or revoke entry permits.