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Paid parental leave "double dipping" to stop from July 1

The federal government is planning to end what it claims is "double-dipping" when 20,000 working parents each year receive their full paid parental leave entitlements from both their employer and the public purse, but leading IR academics say the two payments are intended to be complementary.

Mother resuming work to get full pay, after FWC ruling

Australia's largest rail freight operator, Aurizon, has been ordered to provide the full pro-rata rate of pay to a train driver who was to receive a reduced amount under a compassionate grounds/short-term medical disability clause when she returned part-time from maternity leave.

Government to subsidise nanny costs

Nannies won't need formal childcare training to participate in the federal government's new $246m two-year trial to help shiftworkers and those in rural and regional areas to meet the costs of home-based care.

Unions, employers do battle over award flexibility

The AiG and unions are at odds over time in lieu and make-up pay provisions in modern awards, with the employer group critical of an AMWU push to calculate TOIL at overtime rates and the ACTU in turn arguing the AiG's proposal would reduce existing entitlements.

GM Holden seeking voluntary redundancies as it cuts production

GM Holden is encouraging workers at its Elizabeth assembly plant in Adelaide to register their interest in taking an uncapped redundancy payout of 3.5 weeks pay for each year of service as it seeks to cut up to 270 jobs by the end of next month.

Employers seek simplified conditions for micro businesses

The NSW Business Chamber has formally applied for the Fair Work Commission to introduce new rules in modern awards covering more than 500,000 micro businesses that employ fewer than five workers.

Look to Kiwi solution for good faith in employment: Riley

Australia could consider adopting a Kiwi-style statutory good faith obligation after the High Court's finding that there is no implied duty of mutual trust and confidence in employment contracts, according to a senior law academic.

Bench upholds orders for Glencore Xstrata to produce documents

A Fair Work Commission full bench has rejected Glencore Xstrata's challenge to orders requiring the company to provide the tribunal with documents relating to its staffing decisions last year at its Collinsville open cut coal mine.