Senate Estimates hearings page 3 of 3

23 articles are classified in All Articles > Royal commissions, parliamentary inquiries, reviews > Senate Estimates hearings

FWO records 11.7 million website visits, receives 24,103 complaints

Young people and overseas workers together lodged more than a third of the 24,103 complaints the Fair Work Ombudsman received during 2013-2014, while the agency's significant online presence continued to grow, with11.7 million visits to its website during the year.

Ross rejects super conflict

FWC President Iain Ross has this afternoon flatly rejected a suggestion that his involvement in superannuation funds "25 years ago" means he has a conflict of interest in sitting on the expert panel's review of default funds.

FWBC "cold case" review reveals inconsistencies: Hadgkiss

The construction watchdog's review of "cold cases" has identified another 14 cases where penalties were agreed through negotiation or discontinued, a Senate Estimates hearing has been told. Meanwhile, the Fair Work Ombudsman has rejected suggestions that it "washes its hands" of 457 visa complaints.