Strategies page 9 of 15

143 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Strategies

McManus calls on unions to disrupt, innovate

Unions should emulate the innovation shown by technology giants like Apple to arrest declining membership and build power, according to ACTU secretary Sally McManus.

Labor condemns union leader's comments as police called

The Federal Labor Opposition has condemned the threat by Victorian CFMEU leader John Setka to campaign against ABCC inspectors in their neighbourhoods, comments which have since been referred to the police.

Construction code protests to shut down building sites next week

The CFMEU will stage a national day of protest next week as tensions rise in the construction industry over the coming deadline for having code-compliant agreements to avoid being barred from winning Commonwealth-funded contracts.

Branches pre-empt formal CFMEU/MUA merger

The first combined conference of the MUA and the CFMEU appears to have given fresh momentum to the planned merger between the two militant unions, while a new Left-Right union alliance has emerged within the WA branch of the ALP.

ACTU "muscling-up" under McManus

New ACTU secretary Sally McManus is making senior campaign and legal appointments as she seeks to build the organisation's capacity.

Labour movement leaders clash on rule of law

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has upbraided new ACTU leader Sally McManus for expressing her support for key affiliate the CFMEU's flouting of "unjust" IR laws.

AWU to develop "social membership" category

The AWU is considering the creation of a "social membership" category for supporters of the organisation and its campaigns on industrial, social and economic matters.