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AWU weighing-up new membership fee structure

The AWU's national leadership is pushing for a "progressive fee structure" that would involve bigger contributions from higher-paid workers and ditching the current flat-fee regime.

Nurse to patient ratios on the agenda for NSW election

In a battle of recruitment and rostering promises, the nurses and midwives union is calling on NSW's Berejiklian Government to match the state Opposition's pledge to fund legislated nurse-to-patient ratios of 1:4 during the day, 1:7 on night shifts and 1:3 for midwives if it wins the March 23 state election.

CFMMEU renews push for "just transition"

As the mining union prepares to ramp-up its campaign for a "just transition" for workers whose future is disrupted by climate change, its leader has warned the Labor Party that to take power at the next election, it must win the Central Queensland seats that contain thousands of coal mining and power workers.

ACTU's new 'dynamic duo' issues rallying cry to unions

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has today mounted a spirited defence of solidarity among union members, saying that calling a strikebreaker a "scab" is "an accurate description", while the peak body's new president said she experienced the power of unions when as 14-year-old waitress, members helped her fight back against sexual harassment by a supervisor.

Newly-pragmatic Rio sees the sense in union relationships: CFMMEU

Global resources giant Rio Tinto, after its recent rapprochement with unions, is "the largest and most comprehensive example" of why it makes sense to bargain with employees' representatives, according to mining union leader Tony Maher.

Scrap dismissal compensation cap, "punish" errant employers: ACTU

Unions will next week consider pushing for stronger remedies for unfair dismissal by adopting measures such as removing the $73,000 compensation limit, enabling employees to pursue more than their lost income and empowering them to seek penalties against employers.