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Police charge Cbus employees with giving false evidence; & more

False evidence charges for Cbus employees; Unions target rural MPs and crossbenchers on penalty rates; Surgeons' action plan aims to reduce discrimination, bullying; Victoria backs family violence education program in workplaces; and Essendon to admit supplements program breached safety laws.

FAAA's reunification ready for takeoff

The Flight Attendants' Association has moved a step closer to re-uniting its two divisions, despite the continued opposition of some disaffected long-haul members.

Shift focus away from labour productivity, says ACTU

At the National Reform Summit in Canberra today, the ACTU will urge the Turnbull Government to adopt measures to boost multifactor and capital productivity, arguing that labour productivity has been growing and "is not the problem".

Dispute defying "front bar" logic, but MUA avoids bargaining order

The FWC has declined to issue bargaining orders against the MUA for its conduct in negotiations with offshore oil and gas vessel operators, despite finding it misrepresented the employers' position, played "fast and loose with the truth" and behaved in a manner that raised questions about whether it was genuinely trying to make replacement agreements.

Thursday deadline set for Heydon Commission

Under arrangements agreed to today between lawyers acting for the ACTU and counsel assisting the inquiry, unions will have until 2pm this Thursday to file written submissions, if they want to continue with the application to have Commissioner Heydon disqualified from presiding over the Royal Commission.

Hutchison's consultation inadequate, MUA claims

The MUA told an interlocutory hearing in Brisbane today that stevedore Hutchison should reinstate 97 workers from its Port Botany and Brisbane container terminals, because the company had breached its agreement when it engaged in tokenistic rather than substantive consultation with its workforce.

Unions plan national weekend door-knock on penalty rates

The ACTU is seeking to build opposition to cutting weekend penalty rates through a mass door-knock in marginal seats across Australia in mid-September, while employer associations are pushing crossbench senators to back the Government's bill to re-establish the ABCC.

High Court rejects CFMEU's bid to oust tort of intimidation

The High Court has refused the CFMEU special leave to challenge last year's Victorian Court of Appeal finding that the Boral group could rely on the tort of intimidation to recover millions in damages for concrete supply bans.