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Three-month delay for FDV leave review

The FWC has pushed back hearings for the ACTU's bid for 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave from next month to late February next year.

Work and care spheres "colliding" in retail: SDA

The more than one million retail workers need more stable rosters, better pay and greater job security, along with flexible and affordable childcare, to enable them to meet their caring responsibilities, according to a new university study commissioned by the SDA.

Rapid FWC response crucial in COVID-19 survival strategy: Paper

Australia had less need than other countries to turn to legislation to provide short-term workplace flexibility in response to COVID-19 because of "swift" and "bold" yet self-restrained interventions by the FWC, according to new research.

Victoria moves on gig standards

The Andrews Labor Government will start working on State-based standards and regulation for work in the gig economy, after failing to win support for national action from the Morrison Government.

FWC canvasses employers on FDV policies; & more

FWC seeks to identify incidence of workplace FDV policies; Casual terms review timetable pushed back; and AiG calls for reduction in minimum pay delays for COVID-hit sectors.

Bench can't take casual approach to review: Ross

FWC President Iain Ross says the review of casual employment terms in modern awards will have to move "reasonably quickly" to meet its deadline of completing it by September 27.

FWC survey indicates WFH now entrenched

More than half of private sector clerks included in a survey to inform a possible coronavirus-driven award variation have been working from home since the middle of last year and almost three quarters of employers intend to let them continue doing so at least some of the time.

FWC resource seeks to steer course through "complex" awards

The FWC has in the face of complaints about Australia's "complex" pay system unveiled a comprehensive online awards database stretching back more than five years that will be adjusted annually to incorporate minimum wage changes.

Single loaded rate unlikely, says FWC president

If the FWC incorporates loaded rates in hospitality and retail awards after a referral from IR Minister Christian Porter, it is likely to involve a range of such rates rather than a single one, the tribunal's president indicated in a statement today.