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FWC panel up and running on major pay equity case

FWC President Adam Hatcher has moved quickly to establish an expert panel to consider gender undervaluation in five care and community sector awards, today inviting comment on eight potential issues to be aired over 15 days of hearings in December.

Unions urging consumers to deliver sugar hit

The ACTU Congress yesterday passed a motion urging unions to support a consumer boycott of Goodman Fielder food products ahead of a threatened lockout next week of about 1200 sugar mill workers in north Queensland.

Study to weigh costs, benefits of paid reproductive health leave

As unions ramp up their campaign for paid reproductive leave, the HSU, the Queensland Council of Unions and Aware Super are commissioning university research to examine the costs and benefits of the entitlement ahead of a resolution to be considered by the ACTU's triennial Congress this afternoon.